
Our mission is to support military veterans with financial resources for mental health, physical well-being, and career advancement opportunities as well as host camaraderie-building events.



Mental Health

The traumas associated with military service can unexpectedly replay like a movie in the mind resulting in a myriad of issues; including anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress. These mental health issues, when not properly dealt with, affect everyday life and for some, can be debilitating.

By providing veterans with financial resources to a mental health professional that is right for their needs, we will offer individualized solutions to help veterans find the peace they seek.



Physical Well-Being

Military life can be physically demanding, often with a wide range of lasting, sometimes devastating effects. These damages can include the loss of limbs, chronic pains, and structural damages to the body causing a lack of mobility and functionality.

By providing veterans with financial resources to a physical therapist working on their specific injuries, we can help provide tailored healing for increased physical well-being.



Career Advancement

Often, when service members leave the military they lose their feeling of purpose, lose their daily routines, and lose their sense of identity. They can be left scrambling for a way to financially support themselves and their family.

By providing veterans with financial resources to a robust collection of career guidance; including educational courses, training, certifications, resume writing professionals, barbers, tailors, and job interview coaching, we can help veterans get on their feet and gain a feeling of financial independence.



Camaraderie-building Events

A shared experience in a safe and positive environment can help veterans regain a sense of brotherhood that they may be missing since leaving the military. Whether a weekend spent camping, fishing, or hunting, these getaways help veterans relax and feel welcomed in a world where they may otherwise feel alone.

By providing veterans with all expenses paid, outdoor activity-based retreats, we can combat the negative effects veterans experience since rejoining civilian life and help them gain a sense of confidence and optimism.


Contact Us


If you have any questions or want to contact us for more information please write to [email protected]